Beyond the Textbook!


Textbooks are great, but sometimes learning can feel a bit…well, textbook-ish. Don’t worry, there are lots of, non-traditional ways to learn new English words that are a lot more fun! Here are some of the more favourite ones.

1. Turn Up the Tunes (with Lyrics!)

Music is awesome, and guess what? It can be your secret weapon for learning English vocabulary. Pick songs you love, but this time, pay attention to the words. There are tons of websites with lyrics and even translations. Sing along (even if it’s just in the shower!), and try to guess the meaning of new words from the music itself.

2. YouTube: Your Learning Playground

YouTube isn’t just for cat videos (although those are pretty fun too!). There are amazing channels dedicated to teaching English in a fun way. Look for channels with cartoon animations, funny sketches, or even vloggers who talk about everyday life. You’ll learn lots of new words in a natural context, plus you get exposed to different accents – win-win!

3. Social Media Savvy

Who knew social media could be educational? Follow accounts in English related to your hobbies – animals, sports, fashion, anything you like! You’ll learn vocabulary related to your interests, and seeing pictures and videos helps you understand the words better. Plus, you might even make some new English-speaking friends! Just remember to be careful online and only follow accounts you trust.

4. The World is Your Classroom

Learning English doesn’t have to be confined to your room. Go for a walk and try naming things you see in English – the trees, the flowers, even the grumpy-looking dog across the street! You can even play “I Spy” with a friend, but in English! Describe something you see, and have them guess it using English words. The possibilities are endless!

5. Movie Magic!

Movies are a fantastic way to learn English in a fun way. Start with movies you’ve already seen in your own language. Watching them with English subtitles helps you connect the words with what’s happening on screen. As you get better, try movies you haven’t seen before, but with subtitles on. This way, the story keeps you engaged, and you learn new words naturally.

Remember, the key is to make learning fun and engaging! Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works for you. Learning English can be an awesome adventure, so grab your headphones, put on your favourite explorers’ hat (because that’s totally a thing!), and get ready to discover a whole new world of words!

To your English language success


Michael W





P.S. You can learn more about my programs and how we can work together by visiting my Language Wings website.

You can also read about the Business English Program I am offering as well.



Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash