Learning English with a Robot Friend: My Adventures with AI

ai chatbot

Juggling school, work, and a social life, carving out time for English lessons can feel impossible. That’s why I decided to dive headfirst into the world of AI language learning. Let me tell you, it’s been an interesting ride!

First, the good stuff. My AI tutor, “ESLBot (not a real bot),” is always available. Stuck on the bus with nothing to do? ESLBot throws a quick grammar quiz my way. Waiting in line for coffee? I can practice my pronunciation with a conversation simulation. This flexibility fits perfectly with my busy schedule and keeps me engaged in bite-sized chunks.

ESLBot’s personalized approach is another win. We started with the basics, but as I progressed, she upped the difficulty, feeding me new vocabulary and complex sentence structures. I also love the gamification aspect of some AI apps. Points, badges, and leaderboards make learning feel more like a game, keeping me motivated and wanting to do just “one more lesson.”

Speaking of speaking, AI chatbots have been surprisingly helpful. I used to be terrified of making mistakes in conversations. But with ESLBot, I can practice without judgment, rehearsing real-world scenarios like ordering food or asking for directions. Plus, the instant feedback on my pronunciation is a huge advantage. It’s like having a portable voice coach in my pocket!

However, AI isn’t perfect. Sometimes, ESLBot feels robotic and repetitive. Explanations can be dry, and there’s no room for those “aha!” moments you get when a teacher clarifies a confusing concept. Also, AI struggles with understanding nuances like sarcasm or humour, which are important for natural conversation.

Another drawback is the lack of human interaction. While chatbots offer some practice, they can’t replicate the dynamic of a real conversation with a native speaker. Learning a language is also about understanding the culture behind it, and AI currently lacks the ability to provide those insights.

The Verdict: AI is a Powerful Ally, Not a Replacement

Overall, AI has been a valuable addition to my English learning journey. It keeps me practising, helps with specific skills like vocabulary and pronunciation, and makes learning more convenient. However, it’s not a replacement for a human teacher. Teachers can explain complex concepts, answer questions, and provide that essential human connection.

So, here’s my advice: Use AI as your personal language drill sergeant, but don’t ditch your teacher! Think of it as a team effort. With a blend of AI’s personalized practice and a teacher’s guidance, you’ll be well on your way to mastering English.

To your English language success


Michael W





P.S. You can learn more about my programs and how we can work together by visiting my Language Wings website.

You can also read about the Business English Program I am offering as well.



Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash